Saturday, December 8, 2007

Brazialian Waxing Films

Persian Slippers

ChinelasPersas is made up Gabriel Bius (vocals / guitar), Hugo Iribarren (Guitar) and Orestes Di Vruno (bass and programming) with objectives and related forms of share in this project, where creativity and work are symbolic of the group, working since May 2003. ChinelasPersas
has over 50 presentations at cultural centers and bars of Buenos Aires. Participated in competitions such as the Stamina Bs '04, '04 and Quilmes Rock Contest "4 ยบ Cavern Rock Festival", where they reached the final stage and shared the stage with the English band BOGUSBAND and the BAUEN Hotel in a series organized by them taking guests to the Arabian Sapphire. Participated in various festivals like the one organized by the Department of Music City Government, together with Juan Absatz, was organized in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires in October 2005 and Houssey Square to protest the arrival in the country U.S. President in November 2005. ChinelasPersas
intends to revalue the song within a field of diverse influences, where the experimental course coexist with more lyrical singing has to offer contemporary music movement.
Within a wide spectrum of sound, fundamental commitment assumed by the group is to offer the best version of composition, developing their main topics in the expression from the edge and delicate instrumental arrangements.
After two years into the recording of their first album "Open your mind" manage to edit it in March 2006. Within its
show the topics covered include Open your mind and are now advancing issues of what will be his next album.
Information and Downloads:


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