Saturday, December 29, 2007

Intelectron Motion Detector Manual Bc8700

Program nr nr 44 271207 43 201207

44 programs, which translated to the calendar that governs us means we were 11 months in air sharing, just doing that, sharing a bit of music, movies, stories, news and our own pieces. Nothing
balances or summaries, or the best or the worst ... just something that we like: Mint


From "The Lemmings and other" Fabian Casas, was read : Forest opulent
Dick too The bad news ant

Emiliano Martinez hopes Arrested Juanito el cantor
Oh my sparrow

Back thunder ruse Ruse
two summers By 24:00

A little more reading: Fantastic 4 the same book

Arielle walk along the beaches of Brazil brought: Paulinho Moska

voce Thinking
Tears and diamonds

Cecilia brought stroll through beautiful songs: Super

Málaga Bistro Responsible

We parted with the melancholy of tango:

Goyeneche Naranjo en flor (chosen by Cecilia)
Makeup Adriana Varela (chosen by Arielle)

As worker ants will continue our path, we do not know very well where leads.

was a pleasure and thank you very much for everything. In the radio space, which passed through the blog mob and that we ever heard.


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