Friday, November 30, 2007

Is My Tech Deck Rare?

the new from the block again! Singing songwriters who go there ... .. num

... dedicated my friend Manu who is earning a few euros with his guitar and his charisma in the motherland!

This time the protagonist is an American ... these handmade music.

Emiliano Martinez presents "My grave on the moon" . A hard done to the lung, oops that sentence sounds to me from somewhere. .

Recorded with guitar and voice by Emiliano Martinez, between July and October 2007 Balvanera.

Mixed and mastered by Julian Aznar

Drawings by Emiliano Martinez

Mount Analogue Produced by

are 11 acoustic songs that take you travel. When listening to the headphones become a raft and they're driving aimlessly walking trees, Mars, children, dreams, oceans, coasts , kisses, figurines, tombs and moon. Many pleasurable feelings, calm, intimate ...

The disc can be lowered, with book and all, page Mount analog, or demand for $ 10 + shipping. It is highly recommended. A very traditional subject.

hear (if I believe it was written by Ariella below): Stopped out and Masks



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