Friday, November 16, 2007

Where To Buy Pistachio Trees

nro 39 221107 38 151107 Program

Actually I'll upload a part of the program, since the rest I heard from home but did not take note of the list of topics ...

Here my little contribution:

In the new from the block again! Bring two bands and two independent labels.

From La Plata present to Mr Tomato , a group of folk-psychotic that arises from the independent music scene is taking place since the early 90's in the city of La Plata (Argentina). gave their first howls at the beginning of 2003 and continue until now to Cando where they can and it will go.

E n its my space claim to have influence as the morning, mate, noodles with sauce, some of soccer, movies, conversations, friends, pets and their odors.

Su primer disco es del año 2004 se llama " La Fruta Desquiciada ", editado por Cloe disco s. De ahí escuchamos “Hormiga”
Su segundo disco “Júbilo y sorpresa” , es del año 2005 y desde la página del sello Mandarinas records se puede bajar

Se presentan el domingo 25 de noviembre en Plasma junto a: atmosferia, h ongo y reimon.

Mandarins Records is an independent label that through mp3 and discs at very affordable prices, will announce new artists as well as exclusive footage of prominent musicians worldwide. From their website you can download albums of various styles of the current independent scene. Waiting to do it!!

We're psychotic folk-rock Sr-spatial tomato Go-Neko!, Thanks to the rock that brings us back from La Plata

Go-Neko! born in early 2004 when two guitarists decided to play together again, after having done so in the Water Planet group between 1995 and 1999 - and summoned two friends to build the first incarnation of the band.

Go-Neko! no voices but he claims that the sounds, noises, melodies, sound layers and textures speak for themselves. Use the space-rock road to get their message sensory. Accused influences of the holy trinity Spacemen 3 - Spiritualized - Spectrum, but fail to develop a decidedly unique sound, that is unlike anything we've done here.

The instrumental rock scene would be represented by Towards two summers in a more spiritual and peaceful, There's thunder back more energetic and young, and G Oneko! the most space. Touch

17 in Snuff entrda U.S. $ 7 265.

GoNeko The EP! You can download virtual seal Mamushkasdogs . The Mamushkas s boys also have a blog up great music:

greetings, cecilia


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