Monday, March 15, 2010

Tayduky Journy To The West 1996

Orgue (YO)

There are many things in life that one swears he will never do as expected and eventually ends up doing. Finding is not what I say, just that I care to dwell on the moments when that decision is beginning to clog, when a firm maintains a pseudo ideal that no one cares not to wound the pride propio que a nadie tampoco le importa, cuando nos pasamos de dogmáticos en vez de ser pragmáticos, cuando parecemos nuestros padres o abuelos que se resisten al progreso o la tecnología (que no siempre es progreso) nada más que para no dar el brazo a torcer. Uno por dentro piensa soy un idiota pero no puedo asumirlo en público, o sea mi familia y amigos. Entonces llega ese otro momento en el que uno finalmente cede, y con un entusiasmo muy fingido aduce un montón de excusas para justificar que fue derrotado por la conveniencia y que al final es un pelotudo más en millones, en definitiva uno claudica en definirse un distinto, como si realmente por, por ejemplo, no mirar el programa de tele que ve el país uno fuera un iluminado, el DNA cagaría you just laugh in your face. I was assured that those who would never use a cell phone, today I feel naked if I have my Blackberry over. But I think the best way is to take over the slip entry because it is smaller and more like salami not yet. I heard friends say "how bad the parents that put Playstation games their children and do not play football in a garden with them, does anyone doubt that these kids today have their Playstation and new games every week? Said a wise forgotten, is to push fart if the dick is short, well made cake eggs. Whether we realize it.


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