Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can A Hispanic Date A Blonde?



Andy Warhol said we would all have our 15 minutes of fame. Needless to say that mine did not come yet. But it is not important. It would be ridiculous to take this phrase literally and pretend that every person on earth will be recognized by the rest of the world for that fraction of time. So what do we do? We are famous trash. Caserito can upload video to YouTube, peek at any camera to film whatever and wherever, to why not brutally murdering a celebrity, anything goes if we go in some way with the potential that millions will be paying attention. Never missing pregnant man, the oldest grandmother, the rat man and his friend's tallest dwarf planet. I suppose this too will have to do with a mode that I noticed a while back, applaud those who marry. Why is marriage so it must be said to thunderous applause? Or we are fulfilling his recent marriage to dream of fame? I think we've lost the ability to recognize what it is worth to be applauded, and if up to blow out the candles on the birthday cake applaud. Perhaps what Andy actually viewing the misrepresentation was of Fame. Steven Spielberg is famous and Zulma Lobato, the degrees of fame are as many as people have. Mrs. round here says that your butcher is famous, good for them. And the fame at the end is to be recognized by others, not so important today and why, and I hear no more "infamous", after all enough to make a mountain of shit large enough to listed as the Guinness record.

may distill row over the way the world is determined to ignore my blog, I'm just another bitter.


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