Sunday, January 24, 2010

Italian Colored Speedo


This night it’s a really dark one, starless, so black you can’t perceive any resemblance of a shape around you as if you were born blind. Judy let the front door slightly open, perhaps intentionally for any stranger to get in or maybe get out. It’s that kind of night when everything means nothing because it seems that the sun won’t show up tomorrow and Judy knows better than cry for a silly state of mind. She’s young but not that young, let’s say barely old to understand her moods staring at the shadows of bottles coming from an open refrigerator. She has a blanket around her as she likes feeling the cold in her face but keep the rest of her body warm. There’s no noise to hear or just Judy’s thoughts fighting and getting along while she drinks vodka with a little orange juice in it. Looking at the glass it not casually reminds her of times of joy at the bar near the main road, Sweet Bourbon, the same bar where she casually met her one night two weeks ago. Let’s go for a ride back in time to see what happened there. After work Judy went with two girls and a guy from the office to have a couple of beers and call it a night. Before going on it would be good to state the Judy and the other two girls’ opinion about the fellow office guy: they supposed him gay because he’s good looking and never ever tried a hit to any of the company’s females, period. Now back to the bar and don’t waste time. With several empty bottles on the table Judy felt it was time to go and ask directly to the bartender for a stronger shot. Someone touched her shoulder asking for light, she turned and saw her standing there, gorgeous, with a cigarette between two massive lips. “Wow!” to her own surprise she thought in a mix of envy and admiration, “I wish I smoke”, sexy is sexy plus alcohol is sexier the boys always say, but the only shy words coming out of her mouth were: “sorry, I don’t smoke”. The other girl moved a hand towards Judy's face and said: "don't worry babe, thank you anyway". Judy was speechless and the girl added fast: “let me buy you a drink.” Judy nodded with a faint smile. Together at the bar with their drinks Judy felt awkward and said: “my friends are waiting for me”. The girl smirked and answered: “go but not for too long, I’ll be here for you when you are ready.” Judy got b ack at the table with half of an old-fashioned where the coworkers were yawning out of spirit, one of the girls was asking the other to leave and the guy was standing up with the car keys already in his hand. “I stay”, she said and told them not to worry about her she’ll get a cab later, inside her an incipient fire started to burn, the sense of risky adventure. “You shook me all night long” out of the speakers and the party began. That short dress and that giant smile, her round ass shaking like a mad monkey, the long blonde hair going anywhere, those tiny blue eyes, how can’t she forget and why to feel guilty about it? Booze and hard rock (“I hate you AC/DC!”), everyone’s happy dancing, chatting out loud, hugging and… kissing? It was more making out than just kissing and it felt like a wonderful sin, damn good to try again and go all the way but… what about her normal current life? Dad, mom, and of course the good Joe, the whole staff means further complications. One ice cube more rolling in the glass, a sip and more vodka too. At noon Judy excused herself with Joe to have a quiet night alone, he argued a little but the new open possibility to have an Xbox night with his pals quickly convinced him to kiss her goodnight and hang up the phone. So Joe’s officially out of the scene and the only thing clear tonight is that Judy can’t sleep no matter what, there’s not such thing as an easy night going since that night. No one to blame but the fate she thinks, though now she had a pretty prisoner behind the bars of her head who’s not struggling to get free soon. What to do? Leave it in the past like a minor incident or find out if you have to follow your guts? Don’t you have to leave your experimentation phase back in the college years? Jesus, pure ambiguity here! Why she had to call earlier leaving a message in the answerer machine asking Judy out? Now you have the right to know her name, she is Sue and you can’t accuse her if she left that night with a phone number wrote with a borrowed pen in the back of her hand. Not being the first time she called but the third in a week, being all messages as Judy never picked up the phone in fear because she is hopeless without a convincing answer to deny the obvious, do you think Sue smells Judy’s weakness to resist any longer? Is this girl a boy in disguise? She certainly acts as one. What is she a hunter or a lover or maybe both? Otherwise there’s that little shitty devil whispering in her ear: “fear of what, of having the time of your life?” You know, a woman’s head is a hell of a rollercoaster, man, and if we are lucky enough now we have on our hands what it looks to be the prelude of a soft porno movie script with the pretext of an awful writer’s plot. But before finishing this first chapter let’s pay close attention to Judy since she’s remembering for no reason a line from a cute horror movie Joe rented and forced her to watch without prior prejudices, a B-movie sort of dirty hero said to his partner after a huge monster attack: “if you’re not bleeding then is me, fuck!, it’s my own blood but I can’t feel a fucking thing”.


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