Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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If you could keep all women in the world you wanted, what would you choose now? Sounds very tempting, but despite appearances is not an easy decision. That's what happens to me where I have iTunes songs to listen to for 7 days straight without repeating one. I always hard when I turn the iPod choose where to start, so many choices make me think too much and this decision takes more time than it should. No rant against the new, I have a lot of freak to want the last thing that comes out and the only thing that will not allow me my economy. And that's exactly where the issue lies. Today, although it is not correct, these payments Music is free, just need a powerful broadband connection, memory and patience, that is all that separates you from being the owner of your record store (virtual). The dream come true for any music lover from the beginning of time. Incredible, practical, but I can not feel nostalgic about when I could buy one or two discs per month. Why? Because values. Because anxious to return from the record store to listen to this album (cassette or CD) at home meant everything was to discover, hear many, many times, observe carefully the cover art (or whatever you put there), read the lyrics if included, making the most of the maximum was a conquest and hence the parallel with the first paragraph. As I write this I can be down ten albums (and archaic concept) which may not finish listening to whole or half and probably only one has the fortune to sound more than once, sad truth. It's like being rich and not know what to do with money. There is always much more.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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and December solstice


The last lunar eclipse 2010 d will be well positioned to observers in the Americas. The eclipse will occur 4 days before perigee.

The orbital path of the Moon will transit through the northern half of the shadow of the Earth's umbra. Although the eclipse will not be "central", the total phase will last 72 minutes.

At the time of eclipse, when the phase starts "eclipse" the moon will take a red-orange color.

In the photo, during an eclipse total de Luna in 2004, Moon on the right shows its appearance when the phase starts "eclipse" the moon in the center is maximum during the eclipse and the moon to the left shows the final phase of "total ".

Why the Moon looks red? During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth keeps sunlight from reaching the Moon. Astronauts on the moon to Earth would completely eclipse the Sun (would observe a 'ring' red around the Earth to see all the rising and setting of the sun that would be occurring simultaneously in the world) While the Moon remains completely within the shadow the umbra of the Earth, indirectly, the sunlight still manages to illuminate the Moon. However, this sunlight must first pass through the Earth's atmosphere filters out most blue light. What remains is a light red-orange color and is much weaker than the white light of the sun the earth's atmosphere also bends or refracts some of this light and a very small fraction reaches the moon and the lights.

If Earth had no atmosphere, then the Moon would be completely dark during a total eclipse. The exact appearance depends on how many clouds are present in the Earth's atmosphere. Total eclipses tend to be very dark after major volcanic eruptions since these events send large amount of ash into the atmosphere. During the total lunar eclipse in December 1992, dust from Mount Pinatubo caused the Moon was nearly invisible.

The total lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010, reaches its maximum at 8:16:57 UT, start taking a reddish hue when the total phase begins at 7:40:47 UT, the phase total end at 8:53:08 UT

Dar click to enlarge

entire event will be visible in North America and much of Latin South. Only the coast The Brazilian will miss the total eclipse stages because they occur after the moon is hidden. Likewise, Europe and Africa will experience the start of the Moon while the eclipse is in progress. Only northern Scandinavia you can see all the events in Europe. For observers in East Asia and the moon will eclipse the horizon. Any stage of the eclipse will be visible in the southern and eastern Africa, the Middle East or South Asia.

visibility zones according to NASA (dar click to enlarge)

These are the areas of visibility in stages, if you can not see your city on the map according to the stage, then this stage will not be visible.

During the high point of the eclipse, most of the East of Brazil will miss that stage. Cities such as Montevideo will have only a few minutes to see the maximum phase before hiding the moon, cities in Argentina to the maximum phase will occur with the Moon near the western horizon, observe achieved this stage but will miss the rest. Luna in Spain be hidden before the start of the peak stage, only able to observe the initial stages. Some areas of Portugal will get to observe the highest stage a few minutes. Only North American and Scandinavian countries will see from beginning to end the eclipse. Although as already mentioned, the best time, the maximum phase, the will see almost everyone in the Americas with the exception of the east coast of Brazil. The cities in central and western Brazil will see the eclipse at its peak phase.

SOLSTICE DECEMBER 21 December, will also be given the solstice (winter solstice for the northern hemisphere solstice summer for the southern hemisphere) Total eclipses of the moon during the Northern Hemisphere winter are common. There have been three in the last 10 years. However, a total lunar eclipse coincides with the solstice day is rare. According to data from NASA, the last time the two events coincided was in 1638, also by 21 December.

So be ready telescopes, cameras and binoculars. Or the naked eye, will be a great event to watch. Good weather at all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Rain Geminids meteor

This is one of the best meteor showers of the year and never seems to disappoint observers. Peaks between the night of 13 December and early 14. Most meteor showers of debris from comets, but the Geminids are thought to come from the debris of an asteroid. The debris are larger, therefore the Geminids tend to be more bright and spectacular than the others.

This meteor shower called the Geminids because they appear to emerge from the constellation Gemini. A person the Northern Hemisphere may begin to observe the Geminids from December 6, whenever there is a meteor hour. Over the next week, the average increases to 50-80 meteors per hour on the night of 13 and morning of 14 December. The Geminids are seen last on December 18, when you can see a meteor per hour.

A burning Geminids on the Mojave Desert in December 2009

For observers in the southern hemisphere, the radiant is never placed so high as in the Northern Hemisphere, while further south is the city, further north appears radiant and this will reduce the number of meteors that can be observed. However, this does not stop on the night of 13 and morning of 14 can watch a good show in the sky.

The radiant is located in the constellation Gemini. It's called radiant, because from the perspective of an observer on Earth, the meteors appear to come from a particular area. You do not need the exact location of the time to look radiant, because meteors will be 'flying' across the sky, but the closer you look more radiant meteors will locate.

Moon crescent phase, will be hidden by the West no later than 1:30 am on December 14 (regardless of your location). Gemini will appear in the east at sunset and reach the top of the sky about 2 hours in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere Gemini makes its appearance later depending on the latitude, farther south in places like Argentina, Gemini appears in the north around midnight.

If you have trouble locating a Gemini, Orion locates which is easy to identify with the belt of Orion. Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky can also help you locate Orion or Gemini.

Remember that for the Northern Hemisphere, Gemini rises in the east at sunset, to go placing higher and higher until you reach the top of your head around 2 am on 14 December.

For the Southern Hemisphere, the more you move away from Ecuador, Gemini will be placed further north, and rises in the east around midnight. If you are away from Ecuador, Gemini rises in the east earlier and be located closer to the center of the sky.

Watching from a city with lots of light pollution reduces the number of meteors visible. So it is best to get away to rural areas to observe a greater number of meteors.

Friday, September 17, 2010

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

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Wednesday is the end of open heart RCN

The RCN said that the end of the first season of A would be this open heart Wednesday 15 September.

After several months where he earned the lead in the rating of grand manner, ending production of RCN, to open hearts in his first season.

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Ana Victoria Beltran's single

actress of the hit Colombian TV Fathers and Sons, Ana Victoria Beltran was separated from her boyfriend and had been dating for 4 years and 3 years of cohabitation.

Danielita What is bad for your ex-spouse still has business together.

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came out Julian Orrego NP & with retreads

confirmed the departure of Julian Orrego NP & Noticiero with retreads. The actor, known for commercial correspondent in the World ("If Ricardo Jorge ... '), seemed to be' in the wrong place. "

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Second season Kdabra

Moviecity Fox International Channels and officially announced that Kdabra have a second season, and will again be a collaboration of both groups performed in high definition for FoxTelecolombia. Be released in Latin America during the first quarter of 2011.

Mexican actor Christopher Von Uckermann will star in this series that brings together elements of real and supernatural world. The first season was excellent ratings.

Emiliano Saccone, executive VP and editorial director of Fox Latin American Channels and Global Content of Fox International Channels, said Kdabra showed "it is possible to produce locally a product of high quality and make the same series is done in Latin America relevant to the different markets in the region, generating audience levels comparable to world events more powerful and Fox Glee. "

For his part, Edgar Spielmann, CEO and president of LAPTV, said Kdabra is one of the most attractive content that has made and released in Moviecity, and the challenge of the second season is to beat the success of last season, looking to make a product especially designed for the market premium pay TV where we are committed to providing a version of the series that offers a different experience and with an added value for our viewers. "

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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Eider Guerrero 'Native' won the Challenge 2010, the struggle of the regions

The Native Elder Guerrero tonight became the winner of the Challenge 2010, after Victor Mallarino gave percentages impossible to understand.

With this result over the realities that will most likely version in 2011.

Monday, September 6, 2010

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Challenge Final 2010 between Jonathan and Native (Eider)

At this time it develops the final of the Challenge 2010, Gold Bracelet.

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Daniel Cortes won the 2010 Challenge misunderstood in Native

Following the end of the Challenge 2010, Caracol continued delivering prizes that visitors to your web page voted.

Daniel won the misunderstood. It is obvious prize falls.

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was voted best

Caracol To burn time gave prizes for anything. Native and Eider won this award for the best competitor in low beach.

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Silvio playabajense Carrasquila was chosen as the best strategist in the 2010 Challenge

For decision Visitors to the website of Canal Caracol, the politician Silvio Carrasquilla won this award.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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premieres at La Pola Azteca

La Pola a number of times set in the early nineteenth century tells the story of Polycarp Salavarrieta one of the bravest defenders of the revolution patriots of New Granada from Spain.

Carolina Ramirez
Starring Emmanuel Esparza and English, in the distribution of the novel appear Jorge Enrique Abello, Juliana Galvis, Julian Arango and Luis Fernando Hoyos.

This overproduction is the result of 4 years Research by the librettist Juan Carlos Perez and his team that undertook the task of finding the resources needed to recreate this story that captures the heart of Colombians.

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RCN International Academy bicentennial issue Sunday 12

Academy bicentennial will air on Azteca Signal International on Sunday 12. Auditions for new talents are currently underway in Latin America. The reality will include participants from Mexico and Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela, countries that are celebrating the bicentennial.

Thus, the International Azteca signal will allow viewers across Latin America to follow the contestants in their own country, while demonstrating their skills in singing, dancing and playing instruments.

Notably Since its launch in 2002, Academy has become the main entertainment in Mexico and Central America, gaining an audience of over eight million viewers. It is spread over 19 countries.

This format, created and developed by TV Azteca, has revealed the upcoming music stars. After selecting 42 participants without professional artistic experience, are trained for more than four months in different artistic areas such as singing and dancing. A computer records the daily lives of the participants who live within the Academy Azteca. At the end of each week the audience votes for their favorite contestant and the one with less score is eliminated.

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Good debut novel First Lady Canal 13 de Chile

First Lady is the new offer from Channel 13 of Chile which debuted with 17.6 points rating homes on Monday August 31 between 8:02 and 8:59 pm. Competed with the TV series Martín Rivas TVN which received 16 points for the summary of fiction, between 8:03 and 8: 11:00 p.m., and 20.6 points during the broadcast of a new chapter between 8:24 am and 8:56 pm.

debut First Lady had an impact on the press local. For example, the daily Mercury reported that Channel 13 was not only trying to retrieve this new production Strip 8pm and a battle TVN against his competitor, but also sought to overcome the leak at that time viewers choose to watch pay TV programming.

Moreover, the newspaper The Third stressed that the miniseries was able to raise the rating Channel 13, which aired last week on the strip Feroz , a fiction that managed 10 points. He further stressed that the channel strategy was to cast the movie afternoon Shrek the Third who recorded 16 points, making him some good soap opera audience.

On his second day of issue, First Lady starring Celine Reymond and Milostich July, dropped his average with 14.7 points rating homes between 8:12 and 9:02 pm. While its largest competitor, Martín Rivas , recorded by TVN 19.5 points between 8:25 am and 8:59 pm.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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Order of arrest in Argentina

The Colombian footballer owes close to $ 250,000.

the debt contracted in passage through the Colón de Santa Fe
The Regional Director of the Santa Fe Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), Carlos Vaudagna, said the player must travel to Argentina to declare and demonstrate willingness to pay, and noted that failure to do so the penalty could be applied prevention of loss of freedom.

According to sources from collecting agency in the province of Santa Fe (Downtown) cited by local media, both current Junior player such as the Argentine club Colon testified that Hernandez had an income much lower than actual.

"We did a pose to Justice for the player to file statements and also pay taxes" that are claimed, said Vaudagna.

"This is 865,000 pesos (216,000 dollars) in unpaid income taxes pertaining to fiscal 2005, to which must be added the interest on time" said.

Vaudagna recalled Hernandez, after acknowledging his debt, paid "only a few shares" of what be. "He came one day with his representative, agreed with the order of the AFIP and reclaimed facilities.

After a couple of fees paid and then did not do it," he added.
In comments published Tuesday by the daily El Heraldo 'in Barranquilla, Hernandez found that the information published in Argentina was "gossip".

Giovanni Hernandez, 34, played 124 games in Columbus in late 2003 to 2006.


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Giovanni Hernandez Carolina Gomez and Jorge Enrique Abello not be in the second season of "A Corazon Abierto '

Following the overwhelming success of the series 'A heart open', according to figures from Ibope, became the production largest audience in the last 12 years, RCN is now preparing a second season, which will be early next year.

Some of those who are not are Juan Pablo Espinosa, who plays the resident Maza. The reason: accept a homosexual character in the new soap opera channel Caracol, Mum. The justification for his departure is very bad ending
injured in a fire, his face disfigured.

Nor will
Jorge Enrique Abello, which gives life to the surgeon Mauricio Hernández. Abello is part of the cast of La Pola and its output in the series will be when they discover that he was responsible for the death of Helena Cavalier (Alejandra Borrero).

Another will not be Carolina Gomez, who gives life to the gynecologist Alicia Durán. Although he finished filming the ride, the new film Dago Garcia, Gomez had another channel Caracol proposal to star in a series that might be called the English teacher.

The justification for his departure in open heart comes after attending a patient, which creates a very strong close, but it dies. That fact makes Durán reflect on what he has done with his life, asked forgiveness from the people who hurt them and then leave.

On the other hand, the most anticipated income for the second season is that of actor Marlon Moreno, who will be another medical specialists Santamaria love reaches to several drugs.

be a surgeon of 36 years, specializing in trauma. He arrives at the hospital to receive care after an accident, but it is so good that he is engaged. Also paid actor Ivan Lopez, the popular Love bodyguard in custody and will be replacing Maza.


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Ana Victoria Beltrán' Daniela Franco 'comes to the theater

Beltrán recognizes that it is in a transition process, after the family series in which he was more than 16.

"Remove Daniela Franco on top is a challenge," says the actress Ana Victoria Beltran, who is the protagonist of Betty Godt assembly, the unconquerable, being presented until next Friday La Mama theater in Bogota (Calle 63 No. 9-60), 7:30 pm

"It was an opportunity to do something different and have time to keep on developing as actress, "he says, about the role of a woman full of conflicts.

"Still I am asked by parents and children and when I will return to television, "he says, recalling contact with the public who have attended work functions.

For now, it is clear a final return to the medium that made her famous, indeed, recognizes that its passage through the stage is a step in another of his ambitions: the movies.

Source: Eltiempo.com

"I'm working on the preproduction of a film based on a legend and muisca will premiere next year. Film and theater are something I have to live. These are the issues that now have my full attention. "

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Colombia Tuesday, 31 Rating August 2010


Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:00 PM I CARACOL NEWS
7.67 Tue Aug 31, 2010 NEWS OF THE SENATE 5.77
Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:00 PM II NEWS CARACOL
6.74 Tue Aug 31, 2010 FAMILY SECRETS 8.7
14.77 Tue Aug 31, 2010 LAND OF SINGERS 10.25 Tue Aug
Tue Aug 31, 2010 EL CARTEL two

6.88 Aug 31, 2010 NEWS RCN 10.01
Mar 1900 Aug 31, 2010 LOVE IN CUSTODY
15.31 Tue Aug 31, 2010 CHEPE FORTUNA
16.12 Tue Aug 31, 2010 A OPEN HEART
19.34 Tue Aug 31, 2010 LOVE SINCERE
16.76 Tue Aug 31, 2010 NEWS 2230 RCN

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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died Güereja recognized Mexican actress: Maria Elena Saldaña Mal debut

The actress best known as Maria Elena Saldaña güereja died today because of respiratory failure due to their small lungs.

This information was released by the driver Pedro Sola TV via Twitter

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Family Secrets Caracol Colombia in primetime

The new soap opera channel Caracol, was stillborn. Scored 9.73 points in what people immediately categorized as failure ...

failure is the second entry for Caracol, poor programming choices of sending it back after the challenge did so after a news speaking of the worst of Medellín, perhaps frighteningly regional city people they could attract.

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Rating: week 23 to August 27 Andrés López end

hearing results still indicate that the series A open heart (Disney Latin America for RCN) remains the preferred television in Colombia. Recorded the previous week's 18.8 rating people and 45.0 of share.

then ranked the number Sincere love (Vista productions RCN) to 17.4 ( rating) and 47.7 ( share). Transmission of the Miss Universe pageant, held by Caracol, took third place with 15.4 and 38.6 of rating and participation respectively.

The novel Chepe Fortuna (RCN) was at the fourth step with 15.3 of rating and 37.3 share of . The fifth place went to reality the challenge, the struggle of regions (be-tv for Caracol) with 14.9 of rating and 36.2 share of . The novel Love in custody (Teleset for RCN) scored 13.2 ( rating) and 36.7 (participation) and reaching the sixth. In seventh place was Gentlemen Prefer gross (Sony production issued by Caracol) that came to an end with 11.0 and 26.9 of rating and share respectively.

The novel calamities Bella (produced by RTI and issued Caracol) remained in eighth place by scoring 9.8 of rating and 24.6 for participation. The last two positions were seen as for singers Land Snail (9.2 of rating and 25.8 share of ) and emission RCN News at 7pm (8.6 of rating and 29.8 share of ).

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third book written Informants and RCN series Jonathan

four years ago wrote his first story in a U.S. prison, The toadies , successfully adapted for film and television. Then was the turn of Fantastic , also created 100% of your fist. Now just finished his third book, informants, which has given birth to a documentary he occurs.

The Colombian Andrés López López, famous for its own role, promises to extend the success since the launch of the publishing and television. "The publisher is delighted with the content, I think in a month we will have it published. It is a very interesting story, fictionalized zero, and very real about informants, how that world works, why so many informants, where they come from and why they do it, "says the author of the story also serves as a focus for the documentary and you have available even fictional media rights.

Based in Miami, Lopez also writes for a Colombian channel a series on the evolution of the drug trade in Colombia, Mexico and the U.S..

addition hand, for Fox Television Studios, under the direction of Emiliano Calemzuk, has written a black comedy series of 13 episodes, and is now in the process of completing another 13. "It's a story that has nothing to do with the drug trafficking world, rather it is to die of laughter and fun with the number of situations that happen to the main characters," he says.

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Caracol television series telling the greatest story of Paul Librettist

Even in pre-production process is a series about the life of Pablo Escobar, the criminal. This time the story is told by the victims. Caracol also through its BE-TV producer again prepares for Pablo Escobar, this time focused on family capo. The Escobar family production is based on the story's sister tells him.

The series based on Paul's life focusing on what they say the victims is being written by Juan Uribe and Camilo Cano :

The filmmakers believe that Colombia is prepared to deal with this ghost
bonnet Two victims were on the task of making a series based on criminal life of this man. Photo: David Campbell - The EspectadoCamilo Cano with the mayor of Medellin and author of the book in the series is based, Alonso Salazar.

This project, from its origin, is markedly different from those that have been done on the topic of drug trafficking, so popular these days. Camilo Cano is the youngest of five children of Guillermo Cano, director of this newspaper for 34 years until, on December 17, 1986, succumbed to the bullets of Escobar, who considered his pen an affront to their criminal actions. Juana Uribe is the daughter of Maruja Pachón, sister of Gloria Pachon, the widow of Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento, and Escobar prisoner from November 1990 until April 1991.

"The channels also have a responsibility to historical memory. There are some events that occurred between 1973 and 1993 that the country can not forget, when Escobar flooded the world of blood cocaine and Colombia," says Camilo Cano while explaining that the series will be restricted to information disclosed by Salazar in his book, published in 2000. After reading several books on which was once the world's most wanted drug trafficker, he and Uribe concluded that it was time to tell, with critical lens, this reality. But including this time, the voice of those who suffered atrocities.
Cano was related to the mafia dolls, a series that currently airs on women Caracol Television accompanying capos, and the toadies, a series that was based on the eponymous book written by Andrew Lopez, former member of the Norte del Valle cartel. And the librettist Paul's parable is Juan Camilo Ferrand, the same as did the TV adaptation of the book he wrote with Lee and he's fantastic, a work that resulted in the mafia dolls. "This is our chance to vindicate the victims of trafficking, the martyrs who denounced him to the brave men who fought it, "said Ferrand.
The challenge is of major proportions. At the end of the day was Escobar who, during years, the country mourned with his crime. The series will begin from childhood, as was done in the book of Salazar, and ending with his death. Juana Uribe, renowned producer of programs such as From head to toe, Attorney, Betty Francisco ugly and mathematician, expected to cause "help those who did not live at all the time or did not have enough information to understand the extent of damage drug trafficking and tolerance that the country had he meant to all of us and the world. "
In the serial, four men are the antithesis of Escobar, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Guillermo Cano, Luis Carlos Galan and Hugo Martinez Poveda. The first was Minister of Justice during the government of Belisario Betancur and the first to point to then-representative to the House for Antioch of having links to drug trafficking. The second, supporting the thesis of Lara, was the journalist who in 1983, he brought up what in 1976 was barely a notice of registration: the capture of Pablo Escobar and Gustavo Gaviria Rivero cousin by moving a shipment of narcotics on the wheels of a truck.
Galán Sarmiento Escobar drove his movement, the New Liberalism, with which the boss tried to get Congress in the early 80's. Martinez Poveda, police colonel at the time, Escobar sought to under rocks, after his escape from prison Cathedral in July 1993, and gave to his whereabouts in Los Olivos, a suburb of the western Medellin, on December 2, 1993, after intercepting a call with his son Juan Pablo. Of these four, only one survived the drug, the retired general Martínez Poveda. Lara was murdered on April 30, 1984, Cano, 32 months later, and Galan, August 18, 1989.
According to the filmmakers and screenwriter of the series, the purpose is to tell the public, especially to new generations, the actions of Escobar and his henchmen. And with names because, as Uribe, the power of corruption and destruction of Escobar was not fiction, nor were those who opposed him. "It's very useful and appropriate to do a project that has a serious and rigorous treatment, from the historical perspective of the criminal career of drug traffickers in Colombia. Trivialize their lives, or give an air of glamor, especially unworthy their victims, "said Juan Manuel Galan, son Galán Sarmiento.
The onslaught against justice, described in detail in the book of Salazar, is another key aspect of the story. Escobar ordered the execution of the DAS agents who arrested him for the episode of the truck, the father of the judge to prosecute him, Fidel Castro and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, his eternal partner, for the massacres in Uraba and Cordoba in 1988 ; the judge of the Court of Medellín Serna Gustavo Zuluaga, who was among the first who opened a criminal case against him. When assassins took the lives narco chief magistrate of the Superior Court of Bogota Carlos Valencia, Judicial Branch, for the first time publicly acknowledged in his worst enemy Escobar.
actors have not been chosen yet, because the scripts have not finished structure. Cano said that most Colombians will, the international share could come from the ongoing negotiations with foreign companies. The director is also part of the reserve of each chapter summary and production cost around U.S. $ 170 mil. The scenes include audiovisual archives Escobar brutal crimes, such as the explosion of the Avianca plane in flight, the attack on the building of the DAS, kidnappings, murders and many other car bombs that panicked cities like Bogota and Medellin, which recorded the scenes.
Thus, a history that many want it to be fiction is told in that format, but with real data. Journalists, politicians, businessmen, uniformed, honest and corrupt, will also be characters. Telling the world of Escobar was, implicitly, a fear that few wanted to address. But these filmmakers believe it is time to do so. Colombia is in a position to know that Escobar philanthropy, which both took pride he and his close, as Virginia Vallejo, had an illegal origin. The myth that disfigured the man. As emphasized Ferrand librettist: "This bill hurts those who promote it. So you have to do with the dignity it deserves."
Diana Carolina Durán Núñez Pachon Juan Uribe went on the task of pushing through a serial to be between 52 and 56 chapters and through the small screen, will the life of the Antioquia that its drug, their assassins, their bombs and their frantic obsession to confront the state led the country to unimagined places of violence.
The parable of Pablo Escobar televised

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Juana Uribe Escobar moved to Canal Caracol Colombia Rating

The renowned playwright and shareholder of Teleset Juan Uribe changed the channel, it went from being one of the brightest creaCtive RCN to be a tough on channel Caracol .
Juana was told work hand in hand with production vice president of channel: Dago García.

Friday, August 27, 2010

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Thursday August 26, 2010


Noticias Caracol 7:00 pm: 10.02

Tierra De Cantores: 10.14

Challenge The Fight Regions: 15.48
Bella Calamities: 10.14
El Cartel 2: 7.49
Noticias Caracol 10:30 pm: 4.49
The Radar: 2.73
News Rcn 1900: 7.11
House Report: 5.41

News Rcn 1900: 7.12
Love In Custody: 13.75
Chepe Fortuna: 15.73
A Heart Open: 19.21
Amor Sincero: 17.72
News Rcn 2230: 7.73

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Hello everybody @ s, my name is José Ramón, known as trasto9571. I want to say to all the people who want to use my blog, you have at your disposal, and also a CHAT to discuss what they want, Blog topics, or just to ask me something that you need that I have or can get . And of course, that requests to me for the chat will be when you are connected to it, but it will have to do below in comments. To connect to CHAT pinchais which says simply: ENTER THE CHAT: and that is, it's that easy, is a floating chat, I preferred to put it well so that everyone can put what size you need, the same chat you will each Once you enter a nickname automatically, be all with the same name but with different colors and numbers. So that each one has its own Nick, pinchais leaving the door chatting and You Nick are you going to always use a password, and always able to recognize and know who is who. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this project.