Thursday, October 11, 2007

Alice And Wonderland Homemade Cakes

Program No. 33 111 071

Total Interference met, sharing dignified!

Believe me that although these issues not be reflected last week we lost in endless myspaces of all types of music and in many countries. The search became, in a chain reaction that ended only with Internet credit or brain saturated with so many copies and repetitions. Many times nothing new looks on the horizon ... Why does this happen often? What a disappointment! What we seek is just a touch of distinction, and a minimum identity, does that is so difficult to achieve? Many bands were in memory for future programs and finally turned around America is this eclectic and incomplete result:

When God thought the thought Eden America sings Nino Bravo ... God was the first advance?

Block 1 (Mexico) Silverio

Devil's Dance
yepa, yepa, yepa.

Film: In the Hole (2006) by Juan Carlos Rulfo
A Mexican legend that the devil asks for souls to build bridges falling. This film follows the story of several of the workers involved in the constr uction
one of them in Mexico City. Although in reality this is a pure pretext, the idea is closer to daily life, dreams and dignity to live extraordinary humor, romance and the small moments that culminate in the food they need for the devil that the bridge remains standing.

Rulo We had a visit from one of the generators Comtempo , which will have its second edition is on Friday 19 October in Artenpié.

interview the drummer Miguel Picado Grosso, who c onto a some date the band and also for 19. We hear:


Atomic Ant

Block 2 (Peru)
From Aloardi records, listen to
Tica with heart Xufre cover

Some teachers ASIT with teen-punk wild- , 1965: Kissing other

Block 3 (broken)
In harmony with nature, enjoying the sights of many colors the calm that generates the site listen to humahuaqueño Ricardo Vilches with
Prayer sikus and bells (I love the bells!)
sun and moon Quebrada

Movie Upstream Ulysses Order 2006. A journey by train, hitchhiking, walking and donkeys from the city to the depths of the Andes ... inner journey of the film's director, from exploring his family history, with an ancestor who exploded a sugar mill, the consequences of the sugar industry was in the Kolla communities in the region of Iruya. Shot in the scenery of the mountains and edited to the music teacher's original humahuaqueño Ricardo Vilches, Rio Arriba, asks and answers what happened to the land and culture when they were kollas forced to work in the harvest of sugar cane. Rio Arriba, a journey through our history. A search memory and root.

Jaivas The chili Bankrupt

back on track with Freezer sun center
indie music site: Super 45

Block 4: (Brazil) Two issues
melancholy Winged
Renato Russo Clothes of sand (A cover of Nick Drake)
Legiao Urban Indian

Arielle met girls Private Dancers and they left these topics:
Ragtime for easy guitar
After Party.

Rioplatenses are and there we were:

(Uruguay) Eduardo Mateo Mateo from your hard licks just fine:

Blog, but is no longer updated, is worth around him: Fuck you tiger
outside for lack of time: We quartet with The zoo guardiáon

We went with a whim of mine:

Don Cornelius and Zone Rosario on the wall ... if they are on the roof jump until next Thursday



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