Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tampax Super Toxic Shock Syndrome

Program No. 23 July 26 07

Arielle studies, tasting at home with the literary block and me ... this is nothing, just listening at home. Without wasting any more time this was what was heard in the program 23, "Total Interference"

From the album tribute to Charly García, "About revolution" published in 1999 by Ultrapop , we hear:

Videotape Eyes by Jaime landless

Mr Jones Lucrecia Forever

down We are sticking by Medusa

A bit of water with fish and healing melodies

Uruguay From Astroboy to The Great Escape

Cata, in slippers from home and with your feet stuck to the stove, we read one Ande tales of "Science of solid" Claudio L Perez, an author in the area.

else listen to see ... yes, rock mine:

A classic cover versions Fabiana Cantillo I live in a city

A famous young not stand with:


(At this time some
eprodujeron s interference in my listening to "Total Interference" . My mother, who was at home, turned up the volume of the tv and I could not go on much ... I need help with themes,)


Papos Blues

Pudding Soul Divided

Arielle read a I have piranhas and the program ended.

hope soon to complete this nebula.

will be up next Thursday, in his radio-friendly at 20 ... when we interfere

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ribbon For Volleyball

Program No. 22 July 19, 2007

I leave the list of agenda items, Cata and Arielle talked about "The Eternauta" but I'd rather them take care of uploading something about it, I have no authority.

You're catching again , Los Rodríguez

Av Rivadavia Manal


Café moisture Goyeneche

lost traveler, Edmundo Rivero

The bug reactor , The Sparrows Hazardous

Mountain, Spinetta

Lost Things, The super mice

Island Leo Garcia

That's it, we are next week.

accept suggestions, criticism or history of how they came to "The eternauta" here below where it says comments.

who bore him

Friday, July 13, 2007

Tax Responsibility With A Quick Claim Deed 2010

07/05/1907 Program No. 20

I think it was the 20, because she had lost count of the days, what happens to a Thursday there was no agenda and do not know if I'm counting it or not, for that matter.
Another Thursday, not the near past, but the snow before, we had all present in the studio and here a little of what happened:

Making it after the winter solstice Together we started to The Jaivas , sounds of the highlands of Chile's record of this group published in 1972.

news and two very Supplemental:

Youth Supplement of the Grand Prix debut album
Classified Love del Potro Rodrigo Pablo Dacal version

Some troubadours

The best way to spend the winter drive train Juani're my
No we drive away youth vol.1 Album of Juan Ravioli

literary Tasting In block, the hand of Julio Cortázar travel took us "Night back, " story published in The end of the game.
hear the music of Don Ata :
Your you can turn around played by Suma Paz and Indian Caminito by Atahualpa himself with his guitar.

Arielle in their intense search for new bands fotologuera brought us Persian Slippers

(We fell short film for the block, I keep the info for the next program.)

To be faithful to me sure I'm forgetting something, but let's say that's almost everything. Health.

<<<<<<> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> <<<<<<> <<<<<<

Last Thursday we once again, alone with Fabio and Arielle, I know nothing yet of what happened in that studio ... intriguing.

Keep up the shelters and care that something strange is happening in these latitudes, strange things falling from the sky, are small, cold and fade to the touch, a bit like this picture :