Monday, January 3, 2011

Swollen Ankles Cause Alcohol

Meteor shower of the Quadrantids Total Lunar Eclipse

The Quadrantids are one of the strongest meteor showers of the year, but observers may be disappointed if the conditions are not suitable. The point from which the meteors appear to emerge (the heating) is in the constellation Quadrans Muralis extinct. In our time the radiant is located where the constellations of Hercules, Bootes (the Herdsman) and Draco meet. The rain seems not to exist until about 11 pm Unfortunately, the radiant does not rise much for observers in the Northern Hemisphere before dawn lights will put an end to the show. The best comments are in countries with high latitudes such as Canada, Finland, Sweden and Norway and is practically exist for observers in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Quadrantids occur from December 28 to January 7, with a maximum of 3 night and early morning of Jan. 4. The Quadrantids are hardly observable at the beginning and end of this period, but observers in the Northern Hemisphere can see from 10 to 60 meteors per hour maximum.

The fact that the moon is about to enter the New Moon phase makes the most favorable conditions to observe this shower

This image depicts the view from mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere around 1 am on January 4