Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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died Güereja recognized Mexican actress: Maria Elena Saldaña Mal debut

The actress best known as Maria Elena Saldaña güereja died today because of respiratory failure due to their small lungs.

This information was released by the driver Pedro Sola TV via Twitter

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Family Secrets Caracol Colombia in primetime

The new soap opera channel Caracol, was stillborn. Scored 9.73 points in what people immediately categorized as failure ...

failure is the second entry for Caracol, poor programming choices of sending it back after the challenge did so after a news speaking of the worst of Medellín, perhaps frighteningly regional city people they could attract.

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Rating: week 23 to August 27 Andrés López end

hearing results still indicate that the series A open heart (Disney Latin America for RCN) remains the preferred television in Colombia. Recorded the previous week's 18.8 rating people and 45.0 of share.

then ranked the number Sincere love (Vista productions RCN) to 17.4 ( rating) and 47.7 ( share). Transmission of the Miss Universe pageant, held by Caracol, took third place with 15.4 and 38.6 of rating and participation respectively.

The novel Chepe Fortuna (RCN) was at the fourth step with 15.3 of rating and 37.3 share of . The fifth place went to reality the challenge, the struggle of regions (be-tv for Caracol) with 14.9 of rating and 36.2 share of . The novel Love in custody (Teleset for RCN) scored 13.2 ( rating) and 36.7 (participation) and reaching the sixth. In seventh place was Gentlemen Prefer gross (Sony production issued by Caracol) that came to an end with 11.0 and 26.9 of rating and share respectively.

The novel calamities Bella (produced by RTI and issued Caracol) remained in eighth place by scoring 9.8 of rating and 24.6 for participation. The last two positions were seen as for singers Land Snail (9.2 of rating and 25.8 share of ) and emission RCN News at 7pm (8.6 of rating and 29.8 share of ).

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third book written Informants and RCN series Jonathan

four years ago wrote his first story in a U.S. prison, The toadies , successfully adapted for film and television. Then was the turn of Fantastic , also created 100% of your fist. Now just finished his third book, informants, which has given birth to a documentary he occurs.

The Colombian Andrés López López, famous for its own role, promises to extend the success since the launch of the publishing and television. "The publisher is delighted with the content, I think in a month we will have it published. It is a very interesting story, fictionalized zero, and very real about informants, how that world works, why so many informants, where they come from and why they do it, "says the author of the story also serves as a focus for the documentary and you have available even fictional media rights.

Based in Miami, Lopez also writes for a Colombian channel a series on the evolution of the drug trade in Colombia, Mexico and the U.S..

addition hand, for Fox Television Studios, under the direction of Emiliano Calemzuk, has written a black comedy series of 13 episodes, and is now in the process of completing another 13. "It's a story that has nothing to do with the drug trafficking world, rather it is to die of laughter and fun with the number of situations that happen to the main characters," he says.

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Cure Challenge 2010 finalist will

Cure Jonathan won the right to participate in the final, after winning the test that gives ticket to this. The curiosity is that the test was won Cure water and all water tests. Anyway, he does not have the San Andreas fault that has Tues

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Caracol television series telling the greatest story of Paul Librettist

Even in pre-production process is a series about the life of Pablo Escobar, the criminal. This time the story is told by the victims. Caracol also through its BE-TV producer again prepares for Pablo Escobar, this time focused on family capo. The Escobar family production is based on the story's sister tells him.

The series based on Paul's life focusing on what they say the victims is being written by Juan Uribe and Camilo Cano :

The filmmakers believe that Colombia is prepared to deal with this ghost
bonnet Two victims were on the task of making a series based on criminal life of this man. Photo: David Campbell - The EspectadoCamilo Cano with the mayor of Medellin and author of the book in the series is based, Alonso Salazar.

This project, from its origin, is markedly different from those that have been done on the topic of drug trafficking, so popular these days. Camilo Cano is the youngest of five children of Guillermo Cano, director of this newspaper for 34 years until, on December 17, 1986, succumbed to the bullets of Escobar, who considered his pen an affront to their criminal actions. Juana Uribe is the daughter of Maruja Pachón, sister of Gloria Pachon, the widow of Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento, and Escobar prisoner from November 1990 until April 1991.

"The channels also have a responsibility to historical memory. There are some events that occurred between 1973 and 1993 that the country can not forget, when Escobar flooded the world of blood cocaine and Colombia," says Camilo Cano while explaining that the series will be restricted to information disclosed by Salazar in his book, published in 2000. After reading several books on which was once the world's most wanted drug trafficker, he and Uribe concluded that it was time to tell, with critical lens, this reality. But including this time, the voice of those who suffered atrocities.
Cano was related to the mafia dolls, a series that currently airs on women Caracol Television accompanying capos, and the toadies, a series that was based on the eponymous book written by Andrew Lopez, former member of the Norte del Valle cartel. And the librettist Paul's parable is Juan Camilo Ferrand, the same as did the TV adaptation of the book he wrote with Lee and he's fantastic, a work that resulted in the mafia dolls. "This is our chance to vindicate the victims of trafficking, the martyrs who denounced him to the brave men who fought it, "said Ferrand.
The challenge is of major proportions. At the end of the day was Escobar who, during years, the country mourned with his crime. The series will begin from childhood, as was done in the book of Salazar, and ending with his death. Juana Uribe, renowned producer of programs such as From head to toe, Attorney, Betty Francisco ugly and mathematician, expected to cause "help those who did not live at all the time or did not have enough information to understand the extent of damage drug trafficking and tolerance that the country had he meant to all of us and the world. "
In the serial, four men are the antithesis of Escobar, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Guillermo Cano, Luis Carlos Galan and Hugo Martinez Poveda. The first was Minister of Justice during the government of Belisario Betancur and the first to point to then-representative to the House for Antioch of having links to drug trafficking. The second, supporting the thesis of Lara, was the journalist who in 1983, he brought up what in 1976 was barely a notice of registration: the capture of Pablo Escobar and Gustavo Gaviria Rivero cousin by moving a shipment of narcotics on the wheels of a truck.
Galán Sarmiento Escobar drove his movement, the New Liberalism, with which the boss tried to get Congress in the early 80's. Martinez Poveda, police colonel at the time, Escobar sought to under rocks, after his escape from prison Cathedral in July 1993, and gave to his whereabouts in Los Olivos, a suburb of the western Medellin, on December 2, 1993, after intercepting a call with his son Juan Pablo. Of these four, only one survived the drug, the retired general Martínez Poveda. Lara was murdered on April 30, 1984, Cano, 32 months later, and Galan, August 18, 1989.
According to the filmmakers and screenwriter of the series, the purpose is to tell the public, especially to new generations, the actions of Escobar and his henchmen. And with names because, as Uribe, the power of corruption and destruction of Escobar was not fiction, nor were those who opposed him. "It's very useful and appropriate to do a project that has a serious and rigorous treatment, from the historical perspective of the criminal career of drug traffickers in Colombia. Trivialize their lives, or give an air of glamor, especially unworthy their victims, "said Juan Manuel Galan, son Galán Sarmiento.
The onslaught against justice, described in detail in the book of Salazar, is another key aspect of the story. Escobar ordered the execution of the DAS agents who arrested him for the episode of the truck, the father of the judge to prosecute him, Fidel Castro and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, his eternal partner, for the massacres in Uraba and Cordoba in 1988 ; the judge of the Court of Medellín Serna Gustavo Zuluaga, who was among the first who opened a criminal case against him. When assassins took the lives narco chief magistrate of the Superior Court of Bogota Carlos Valencia, Judicial Branch, for the first time publicly acknowledged in his worst enemy Escobar.
actors have not been chosen yet, because the scripts have not finished structure. Cano said that most Colombians will, the international share could come from the ongoing negotiations with foreign companies. The director is also part of the reserve of each chapter summary and production cost around U.S. $ 170 mil. The scenes include audiovisual archives Escobar brutal crimes, such as the explosion of the Avianca plane in flight, the attack on the building of the DAS, kidnappings, murders and many other car bombs that panicked cities like Bogota and Medellin, which recorded the scenes.
Thus, a history that many want it to be fiction is told in that format, but with real data. Journalists, politicians, businessmen, uniformed, honest and corrupt, will also be characters. Telling the world of Escobar was, implicitly, a fear that few wanted to address. But these filmmakers believe it is time to do so. Colombia is in a position to know that Escobar philanthropy, which both took pride he and his close, as Virginia Vallejo, had an illegal origin. The myth that disfigured the man. As emphasized Ferrand librettist: "This bill hurts those who promote it. So you have to do with the dignity it deserves."
Diana Carolina Durán Núñez Pachon Juan Uribe went on the task of pushing through a serial to be between 52 and 56 chapters and through the small screen, will the life of the Antioquia that its drug, their assassins, their bombs and their frantic obsession to confront the state led the country to unimagined places of violence.
The parable of Pablo Escobar televised

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Juana Uribe Escobar moved to Canal Caracol Colombia Rating

The renowned playwright and shareholder of Teleset Juan Uribe changed the channel, it went from being one of the brightest creaCtive RCN to be a tough on channel Caracol .
Juana was told work hand in hand with production vice president of channel: Dago García.

Friday, August 27, 2010

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Thursday August 26, 2010


Noticias Caracol 7:00 pm: 10.02

Tierra De Cantores: 10.14

Challenge The Fight Regions: 15.48
Bella Calamities: 10.14
El Cartel 2: 7.49
Noticias Caracol 10:30 pm: 4.49
The Radar: 2.73
News Rcn 1900: 7.11
House Report: 5.41

News Rcn 1900: 7.12
Love In Custody: 13.75
Chepe Fortuna: 15.73
A Heart Open: 19.21
Amor Sincero: 17.72
News Rcn 2230: 7.73