Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome Letter To Wedding Party



always been convinced that the dead must be cremated. Besides saving the future awkward situations like when you call to take the remains to a niche or simply having to suffer the morbid routine of visiting a grave, let's also say that cemeteries are useless extensive grounds which could be used in any better than house rotting flesh and bones as fertilizer, for example for the living live there. I can not get the head people who buy his tomb in life in a private cemetery, there can be no worse money spent, I'd rather waste it on before Christmas decorations in January. With my views I may go for the jugular sure they sell marble and bronze plaques, florists and their crowns depressive (never imagined something so stupid as to take dead flowers, if anyone in the world will not see is the which is six feet under), I'm sorry. But especially if cremated our dead we avoid an epidemic of zombies in the case occurred. I believe that sooner or later will happen. So the stubborn traditionalists who insist on burying people please ask before remember to send them down put them mouthguard, stuck with Corega or something, and if they become zombies after at least harmless, better safe than sorry.