Monday, May 25, 2009

Levels Of Mercury In Pompano Pregnancy


The prophet has a vision of a future act, the professed and wait to the day. This is just the mechanics of how a prophet, the guy with the newspaper on Monday. According to approximate to the reality of his prophecy will see if it was indeed a prophet or a false prophet, which would become a euphemism for chanta. Many say that God has spoken, subtle way to wash your hands, do we also judge the intentions of God, the God who is, can cost us dearly? So let's leave religion aside for hurt feelings or not we fall on a beam of millimeter accuracy. There are several ways to make a prophet work. The most used is playing almost adapting to, old sayings or writings, usually a maddening vagueness, to present facts. For that to happen it is essential that the guy has hit some in life to have earned their reputation. The other would be directly "discover" prophetic texts from an unknown forgotten that surprisingly coincide with major events, something like inventing a past that foretold the present. Also surprising is the ability that people had centuries or millennia ago to predict the future. Today we give no importance to any goose that up-to talk about how it will be the end of the world, in any case try to loosen the drink or take their pills regularly prescribed by a psychiatrist. Okay, but people today, all very modern science and technology with laptop, nevertheless fear that comes from the past, the farther the better, raised the possibility of success that rule in the contemporary. Also, and talked of raw materials is necessary to have the gullible public blessed, those willing to accept any response as valid as they can not explain. Many, too, coincidence and causality playing hide and seek. We could also say that science fiction writers are more specific prophets for having advanced a trip to the moon or a submarine, as was the friend of the family Julito Verne. But in any case is left as prior literature, ideas more than likely put verses. I leave my prophecy and tremble:

- Ice is water and the giant sink.

When this happened I remember happening to me since I've seen up close, let alone the future.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Comfortable Mens Underwear


best thing you can say about The Ramones is that if Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee were alive today would be the Ramones of all. Ramones Ramones were born and died, simple, very unsophisticated, just ambitious. Jeans Chupines with more holes than fabric, All Stars, cheapie black leather jackets with metal zippers, post Beatles bangs, little virtuosity and tremendous enthusiasm. Seeing the Ramones was to grab an instrument and assemble a band, pure communism, we can all be musicians while we have the attitude. I was never particularly a fan but listening to his records, factual and to acknowledge with shame that even saw them live in one of his 300 performances in the country. But every time I put a song from them, or play around because you never stopped ringing, I'm glad. Accelerated pop, punk Ramone, you can not escape his attraction and makes you move your foot to the beat. Music is freedom in container, 2 minutes per stick you out of the established structure. Sheena, you or salami can be a punk rocker if you listen to the Ramones. I'll never forget the last night of a bar that I managed to sort unfortunate in that when I was exhausted and close alcohol, put on a Ramones record saying I got out of hand, that is what God forbid. Then came the fun chaos of the brief existence of the bar. They came to the rescue, the poor, despised, not a platinum, in the opposite of show business, always the same, pure essence of what is rock. What would many bank accounts boluditos exaggerated fashion sing the theme by performing "I Want to Be Sedated" and even sound authentically is a fuck up.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Athletic Swimsuit Sizes


Yes, this is my son in its present condition of 3 months in utero. And what we did with ultrasound is a real reality show, which is boring for everyone except the parents Cholula, or us. We have no name decided yet, I insist with Alfonso, but for now we do not agree. Will see in this picturesque documentary ultrasound reaction (I think that it is said) to the imminent and obvious appearance in the foreground of the genitals, a delightful comedy scene and is worth saying, of pure fatherly pride, heh. I could not escape the mob, apologize for, I'm new to this.