Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Places To Get A Brazilian Wax In Edmonton


do not understand why, I guess the excuse is that the very guys they like and sell, but there is a genre very strange film, movies with animals who practice sports among humans, or directly are action heroes, even among humans. The important thing is that no one would budge because a dog plays in a basketball team or because a skater is chimpanzee, in the logic of these films is all very normal, no one says what the hell does this monkey police or who did you send a family of dogs into space? I am not an expert on the subject, just saw the final minutes of one in which women's soccer team played a final U.S. World or something, and she was about to end the match goalkeeper is injured and there is a kick for the opposing team, "substitute goalkeeper enters tell all?, not replace it enters a dog (or bitch should be not to alter both the rules) and of course saves the criminal champions, celebrate, and the frozen image closing titles. Absurd is not enough, not that there's anything wrong with the absurd, Monty Python is a perfect, but evil is absurd. Say in the movies do not have to be real but seem so. We all accept Superman flies, but if we see Batman flying, or worse, Commissioner Gordon, we know that something is wrong. It may be fanciful, but to be logical in its structure and within the preset limits. Why go along with this, that if the football team were all dogs, come and go, but the coach and the players accept that the dog saved a penalty kick is ridiculous for anyone with more than 3 years because it is logical that the dog run and bite the ball. Homer Simpson can exempt that celebrated when the TV went "Hospital de Chango" where people operated monkeys ape the style, but that's absurd humor parody of the protagonist's intellect and idiocy scripts of the films in question. There are people, and more than necessary, which emphasizes the fantasy of humanizing animals, how cute, how nice!, The dog in a dress no longer supreme bullshit. We'd love to talk but not talk, or near, not build civilizations, not bat or catch enemy spies, are what they are and nothing else. But the dolphin is smart as a man unfit say some may be, may have the IQ of you enjoy watching movies with intelligent animals, very short. Maybe somehow we've become accustomed to seeing humans acting like animals, and the same thing we all between President Bush and a monkey Secret Agent the difference is so subtle that it barely noticeable (*).

(*) After reading this sentence, my wife concluded that it was a commonplace, I expected more from me, and rereading I can say is right, I had nothing most original or witty to end a lazy work, maybe next time.

muuuuuuy examples Here is funny, hahaha, what a laugh:

This was written by a scientist hamster.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cute Dresses Of Rbar Mitzvahs


Juan Román Riquelme, the winged demon or Roman, hated or loved, divided internally water and I think he loves being the center. Everyone talks about him until he talks about it, the power off to the people of reality, the mud to the penthouse of the ego. The flag support, Topo Gigio, and unhappy that he came in full Bombonera putearlo all fame. The supreme lonely, isolated, sees enemies and friends in the soup chains. TV crossed with the Ten, 10, and today fallen angel turned his back on God, laughing. Souls burned supported it, others celebrated, but no one ignored the offense, the rudeness, and talk of betrayal of the colors, what colors? The disciple learned from the teacher, put it down to the neighborhood against the nation of Italy in La Boca, the art of the dark side. Now enjoys powerful hell, but everything has an ending that does not provide for he is a prophet in his land and lost the perspective from above, no eye contact, immortal. Within decades, outside the stadium, will be one more, more and more, and will laugh or shooting star system in childish excuses, but alone in a chair away, because loves it too, and it's sad because no one else like him, so he thinks.